Sunday, February 24, 2008

Tom Tootle discusses John's support for the LGBT community

In this week's edition of Outlook Weekly, LGBT community leader Tom Tootle discusses his support for John.
O’Grady’s support in the GLBT community is voiced by Tom Tootle, who told Outlook, “John O’Grady has talked to me about groups like Kaleidoscope, Stonewall, and BRAVO. He recognizes the critical importance of these organizations. He is a good friend who has earned the vote of the gay community on March 4th.”

As always, John was refreshingly honest about his support for the LGBT community and full, fair, equal rights for all.
When asked directly about his involvement in the GLBT community vs Lazarus’ involvement, O’Grady said, “I applaud Cindy for her longstanding service to the GLBT community. On the issue of civil rights, it quite frankly pisses me off that we even have to have this conversation. Civil and equal rights should be obvious and complete. Of course Franklin County should be open to the GLBT community and actively seek its talents and involvement. I am supportive of all County policies being totally GLBT inclusive, and my staff has always been inclusive, starting with my hiring of Kate Anderson as the first openly-GLBT staffmember at the Clerk’s office.”
Be sure to check out John's ad on the back cover. It includes testimonials from Mary Jo Kilroy, Russ Goodwin, and Rhonda Johnson in support of John!